
The EUREKA Cluster for low-carbon energy

Publicado el martes, 03 de febrero de 2015

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EUROGIA2020 is a cluster of the EUREKA network, a decentralized intergovernmental initiative started in 1985 to enhance European competitiveness by supporting businesses, research centers and universities that take part in trans-national projects.

It adresses all innovative energy technologies that will:

- reduce the carbon footprint of energy production and use

- develop new technologies for energy such as solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, energy efficiency, etc.


The EUROGIA label is a quality label for RD&D projects in the field of low carbon energy technologies.

It is granted after a rigourous evaluation by a panel of world-class industrial and academic experts. It guarantees that the project is technically sound, innovative, well planned and organized and is likely to lead to a commercial product or service that will positively impact the world energy system.

Although the label is very selective, the goal of EUROGIA2020 is to help important project ideas become reality. This is why the evaluation process is interactive; the Technical Committee and the EUROGIA2020 office provide feedback to the projects to assist them in meeting the stringent criteria.

Why a EUROGIA label?

The label per se does not automatically guarantee public funding.

Indeed individual EUREKA member countries have the final say on public funding in their respective countries, based on their national policies, priorities and constraints.

However, the EUROGIA label facilitates access to such public funding, particularly in the EUROGIA2020 supporting countries, who have committed to favorably receive the national funding applications of labelled projects.

Successful national funding is helped by the fact that members of the E20PAC (i.e. the public authorities of supporting countries) liaise closely with EUROGIA2020 throughout the evaluation process.

With its growing recognition EUROGIA label can also facilitate access to regional public funding, to private funding, be it venture captital or bank loans, or to interested customers.

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