
Launch Of The Green Tech Special Interest Group

13 January 2015 - 9.00 - 12.30

el martes, 13 de enero de 2015 de 09:00 a 12:30


Tours et Taxis

Avenue du Port 86c

B-1000 Brussels Belgium


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Tel +32 2 772 89 00

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Green Tech Special

Green Tech Special

As part of our services offer, EBN has decided to set up Special Interest Groups (SIG) to address the growing demand of our members to get actively involved in the dynamics for the development of strong expertise in different sectors that have been identified. The SIG on Green Technologies will be articulated around the following core themes:


-Clean Tech

-Energy & Renewables

-Green cities

-Smart Mobility

Taking the opportunity of the TURAS event on "Resilient Cities : Novel tools for Local Authorities" which is organized on 13 January afternoon (13.30 – 19.00) at Tours et Taxis (Brussels) EBN launches the EBN Green Tech Special Interest Group (SIG) in the morning of the same day (9.30 - 12.30).

During this Green Tech SIG kick-off event, Wirma , the Lappeenranta BIC, will introduce several new H2020 project proposals; other EBN green-tech oriented members will actively participate and share initiatives and opportunities within the SIG.

EBN has the pleasure to announce the launch of the SIG dedicated to Green Tech.


Tours et Taxis, Brussels, Belgium (map)


EBN members interested in green economy, clean techs, eco-innovation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart mobility, etc.

Joins us on that day and REGISTER below.

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