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Challenge Dirt detection

jueves, 09 de noviembre de 2023

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In the current situation, all automatic vehicle cleaning processes are carried out in the same way, regardless of the initial condition of the vehicle to be washed. This can pose two types of problems. On the one hand, the cleaning result may be insufficient because particularly dirty parts or specific types of dirt may not be cleaned with the appropriate intensity or methodology. On the other hand, the washing process may be excessive and lead to resource wastage if the required cleaning intensity is lower than the established standard. Lastly, there is no information about the initial and final state of the vehicle, making it impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of the process.


The objective would be to obtain a system that allows measuring, estimating, or evaluating the cleanliness status of the vehicle. That is, measuring the amount of dirt present, its distribution on the vehicle surfaces, and, if possible, identifying the type of dirt.

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