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Smart City Competition: the SCIS Smart City Roadshow

The EU will fund three roadshows in three cities, two in 2019 (spring & autumn) and one in 2020 (spring or summer)

Hasta el viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019 a las 23:59

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Concurso Smart city

SCIS arrives in (your) city - With the SCIS Smart City Roadshow Register now to win a SCIS Smart Cities Roadshow and a corresponding poster campaign!

Give your Smart City a boost for 2019!
Nominate a city of your Smart City project funded by the EU. We will organize a one day roadshow for you, where we will offer you a platform to interact with your stakeholders and local residents about your objectives and activities, at the same time we present the Smart City Information System (SCIS). To complete all this, we will finance and organize a campaign of promotional posters in your city. Try your luck and send us your brief proposal, explaining why we should come and visit with the SCIS Smart Cities Roadshow!

The EU will finance three roadshows in three cities, two in 2019 (spring and autumn) and one in 2020 (spring or summer). The SCIS team will evaluate your request and select the most innovative proposals. Based on their ideas and wishes, the SCIS team will create an individual SCIS Smart Cities Roadshow with their project in the center. We will organize a campaign of complementary local posters and we will promote the event nationally and internationally (press releases and social networks). We have a special interest in the cities that are in one of the countries that have joined the EU since 2004, but all other presentations are also welcome.

SCIS Smart Cities Roadshow

The SCIS Smart Cities Roadshow is a one-day event organized in collaboration with you and your project. We will go to your city for a day of promotion. We will present our SCIS database (which includes all the Horizon2020 Smart Cities projects financed with EU funds, as well as the FP7 and BSE projects), and we also form the basis for your exhibition, workshop or information stand according to your needs. So, by focusing on your project and your ambition to get involved with your stakeholders and local citizens, let us design a day of SCIS Smart Cities Roadshow together! You just have to provide the location and we will work together on the day's agenda. In addition, we will fund a local poster campaign to promote your project and the SCIS Smart Cities Roadshow.

How to present your proposal?

We will select three roadshow locations based on the requests sent. Please explain clearly why you think we should come to your city. What makes your project special? Why are you different from the other projects and cities? Specify which location you have in mind and what content you would like to see covered by the SCIS Smart Cities Roadshow.


Fuente original del contenido:

UE Smart cities information system  

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