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Oarsis Weekend


Maximize time, resources & network while launching your new venture!

Comienzo: el viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017 a las 18:00


To be announced.

Madrid (Madrid)

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Oarsis Weekend

Oarsis Weekend

What is Oarsis?

Oarsis is an incubator that inspires, connects and empowers entrepreneurs to bring to market new VR & AR solutions that provide real value to both consumers and industry.Oarsis Weekend

Through our unique 6-month program, it help founders and entrepreneurs assemble a professional team, validate their ideas on the market, build an MVP, create a scalable VR/AR solution to a global challenge and prepare the company to be “investment ready”.

Oarsis Weekend:

In order to get into the 6-month incubation program, you need first to apply to the entrepreneurs selection event it host on May 19th, 20th and 21st in Madrid (Spain), called Oarsis Weekend. During this event, around 30 European pre-selected individual entrepreneurs with different profiles (3D Artists, Programmers, Business, Marketing, Sales) will compete to demonstrate their capacities at building a startup in each different company area.

As part of the cohort of the 15 final winners of such Oarsis Weekend event, you would then get into the incubation program, shape your co-founders team together with the other winners or other people in your  known network and start working on your business strategy and crafting a solid investment plan. During some intense 6-months you will work with mentors, instructors and powerful business tools. You will present your startup on a regular basis to our pool of investors to develop investor-entrepreneur relationships early on and further raise private investment to grow your venture, if need to.


  • Use the right methodology, processes & tools for developing your startup.
  • Find the right talented co-founders for your startup.
  • Tap into a larger VR/AR industry network of mentors and investors to increase your chances of success.
  • Available VR/AR tech for building your MVP and validating with customers.
  • Always sunny & affordable to live for a capital-efficient kickstart of your startup.
  • Be part of a growing community of international VR/AR enthusiasts.

For more information, check Oarsis Weekend web page.

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