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Focus Innova Pyme de la Comunitat Valenciana

Publicado por admin.ej
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

If you are a businessman, a freelancer or you are thinking about running your own business, these are all the activities in which you can participate during the Focus Innova Pyme de la Comunitat Valenciana:

NETWORKING: One of the key points for the business development. This is the agenda for contacts and comercial relations of the business. We have organised different categories of networking. Choose the ones which most adapt to your needs and register yourself:
     - Networking Express: this is a meeting in which every participant holds a   conversation with others during 2 minutes in order to present his Project or business idea.
    - Networking Café: free session to promote visiting-cards Exchange and the fostering of new contacts amongst the participants.
   - Commercial Pitch: Present your business and take advantage of this opportunity to promote yourself, be it the selling of a product, a service or your own business. Presentation´s format is at your choice.
     - Vídeo Pitch: you will have available a camera and a technician for you.
     - Notice board: you can leave and collect in paper anything you are interested on: visiting-cards, advertisements, etc. 

2. BUSINESS DISPLAY: Get to know the innovative potential of valencian businesses through this area destinated to virtual and on-site stands.

3. BUSINESS CONSULTANCY: Take advantage of the chance (free of charge) of being advised by Focus Innova Pyme. It is an area in which experts from different subjects related to creation, consolidation and growth of businesses, will offer specific information and advice on any subject related to business management, markets, sales, digital marketing and social networks, business restructuring, etc.

4. CONFERENCES: Choose one or various subjects and register yourself in the sessions of your interest. There are 80 sessions to choose. Our goal is to ease access to all the information through different subjects such as Business Management and Creation, Innovation and Emerging Sectors, European Opportunities, Marketing, Social Networks and ICT´s, Internationalization, Financing and Social and Collaborative Economy.

5. PRIZES FOR SME´S: Don´t hesitate, participate! 5.000 euros for each prizewinner in one of these three categories, whose deadline ends on 26 October.
      - Newly created Business (5.000 euros)
      - Business career (5.000 euros)
      - Internationalized Business (5.000 euros)

6. CHALLENGES: We put you forward 6 challenges through which the talent is pursued to be identified.

7. COMMUNICATION: there will be a press set through which several organisation representatives, workgroups and Focus Innova Pyme speakers will pass through.

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