
Knowledge Management in organizations

knowledge management

Companies face a paradigm shift: from productive management to talent management.

Ana María Aguilera Luque

Ana María Aguilera Luque

Publicado el viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016 a las 01:44

Since the end of the 20th century to date, the main source of wealth creation is knowledge. In organizational settings, it has been considered that the main source of competitive advantages lies in what an organization knows, in how uses its knowledge, and its ability to learn new things (Barney, 1991).

On the basis of this conception of knowledge as a source of wealth, our time has been named knowledge society (Viedma, 2001). What implications does this have for the organizations?

Managing knowledge and competitiveness

To maintain their competitive edge, the organizations need to set up a strategy. The starting point to formulate this strategy is to identify and assess their available resources and skills. These resources can be: tangible (products, incomes), intangibles (culture) and human capital (knowledge, skills and capabilities).

Not all knowledge in an organization becomes a sustainable source of competitive edge; only that one that contributes to generate economic value. Here, knowledge is also understood as skills, experience, contextualized information, values, attitudes, know-how and so forth. This set has been named essential knowledge or core competencies (Viedma, 2001).


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